Amulets & Armor


Vaporware-game from a virtually unknown artist.

A terrible threat hangs over the next fantasy state, and therefore hordes immediately rush to it for profit ... mercenaries, one of which will be us.

There are many different classes to choose from - 11 pieces! - With quite different statistics. We put here three almost non-overlapping schools of magic, a system of runic casting and mission-by-mission gameplay, we get a wild hybrid from HeXeN and System Shock. It is these two games that our current patient reminds us the most.

Each mission is reduced to a walk through a given piece of space (fenced, as always, by impassable thickets or mountains), with the incidental destruction of everything and everything. It seems that the authors dragged here all the ideas that they saw in nature - the hero needs to eat and drink, the inventory is limited to both the size and weight of the objects, the monetary system is multi-stage (so many gold ones are equal to one platinum ruble ... and one gold is worth so many silver coins...), the "recipes" of spells are scattered here and there on other people's pieces of paper - and there are also scrolls that, in full accordance with traditions, can be used by any classes ...

All this confusion is equipped with medium lousy 2.5D graphics, hopelessly outdated at the time of the game's release, medium-sized music and a pseudo-non-linear plot (missions are issued in packs, so to pass the plot of the game, it is not necessary to go through them ALL). At the same time, this is vapourware, that is, the latest version of the game, created at the time of the developer's bankruptcy and never saw the light of day in the form of a full-fledged release. There is also no hope for patches.

There are only three saving moments: this is the only proud contender for the title of System Shock from fantasy (because Ultima Underworld is still somewhat different), there is multiplayer (including with desmatch), and the game process is still, the villain is so, addictive.

Summary: The game is not for everyone, but it will appeal to many who are not afraid of difficulties with running under XP and learning the interface. The faint of heart and impatient please don't worry.


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