
Originally released in 1979 in Japanese arcades, only fourteen years later, in 1993, the legendary Pac-Man, developed and published by Namco, made its appearance in Europe on Nes.

Although quite wacky, the principle of the game could not be simpler. You control Pac-Man, a round yellow character with a mouth. Your only goal is to swallow all the pac-gums, small beads absolutely arranged around a maze. The only buttons you have to use so are the arrows of the cross key to move. If that seems a priori easy, know that four little ghosts, each with their own personality, you constantly continue. At the slightest contact with these creatures, you lose a life. The blue ghost, Bashful, is the least dangerous of all. Shy and timid, he will flee as soon as you approach a super pac-gum, we describe the effects later. Pokey, the orange ghost is very unpredictable. There tend to pry the labyrinth according to his desires without always consider your position. Speedy, pink ghost is the fastest. He will try mostly to anticipate the move to cut your way. Finally, the red ghost named Pac-Man Shadow will follow like a shadow. Attention, therefore, the U-turns. It should be noted that the main purpose of Pac-Man is, as in any arcade game that respects itself, to get the best score possible.

For this, various options available to you. Certainly swallow small ball your score increases but there are also much more effective methods. The first is to eat the super pac-gums. They are bigger, brighter and are four in number in each level. Once a gum such swallowed, the ghosts turn blue, show a terrified expression and move away from Pac-Man. They know that it now has the power to devour them. This new ability only lasts a few seconds and swallowed ectoplasm will be systematically replaced. The second method is to eat fruit. They appear randomly in each maze and there are eight, all different, each bringing a greater or lesser bonus. There are cherry,item Space Invaders to two thousand points the bell three thousand points, and finally the key to five thousand points. If a player exceeds the ten thousand points, he gets an extra life.
This life is a great asset and it is better to have as much as possible if your goal is to reach the last labyrinth. Long, the game was considered infinite but it turns out that the 256th table was unplayable due to a bug . Pac-Man thus includes 255 different levels. Technically, the lifetime is enormous but many will be quickly discouraged players because of the difficulty and repeatability of software . Others, cons, consider the extremely addictive and can devote many hours.

Graphically, Pac-Man is far from exploiting all the capabilities of the console. A background of a deep black, very similar blue mazes from one level to another, a yellow pie as a main character, four little ghosts, as saying that the whole is good enough even for the time. Some will still be delighted to find the graphics of the old version released many years ago on arcade. The soundtrack, meanwhile, was not a success because it is virtually nonexistent. A little music between levels but nothing during your party apart from the noise Pac-Man actually swallowing his pac-gums. These sound effects are nonetheless successful and have become cult in the gaming universe.


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