Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse

Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse is an action role-playing game for the personal computer set in the Al-Qadim campaign setting of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. The game was developed by Cyberlore Studios and published in 1994 by Strategic Simulations. The game combines role-playing game and adventure with a simplified interface; the player's character is a young corsair trying to clear his family's name, rescue his betrothed and determine who has been freeing genies from their masters. The game was released in 2015 on with support for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

A genie has been freed from his master's control by mysterious forces which are liberating genies for the Nameless Masters.As the story begins, the player character (the son of sultan Zubin Al-Hazrad of Zaratan) is a young corsair who has just completed his training.The corsair is betrothed to a caliph's daughter.The caliph and his daughter are involved in a hurricane-induced shipwreck, which sweeps the girl overboard.The corsair and his family are blamed for the shipwreck;[2][3] he must find his bride-to-be and restore his family's honor.[2][3] The character can interact with his family (including his parents and sister), working to save them from execution;[4] they must also explore the mystery of who has been unleashing genies on the land,[3] and investigate the Genie's Curse.


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